"…After severing the teenager's head with a tomahawk, Mr Roughan wrapped the torso in a carpet, dragged it under the house and stabbed it repeatedly with the knife... "
I wonder how moral relativists deal with this kind of sickness. Can they call this person a psychopath? This person can only be judged if there is a transcendent standard of morality above all individuals—societal standards—and culture. Anything less, is just someone’s arbitrary opinion. Otherwise, it really makes no difference (ultimately). Really, what’s the difference between helping an old lady across the street and running her over for the moral relativist?
If relativism is true then there is no transcendent standard; there's no sense to the notion of justice or fairness. Everybody does their own thing. And when we have incidents like the above—what do we say now?
Full story here
Labels: Morality
When I say “moral relativists” I am not confining the term to atheists. Some of the more intellectual atheists realize that the system is not only bankrupt—but incoherent. Yet, in so far as I can tell, relativism is still a vibrant ideology in our society/culture. Mainly, I suppose, the defectors of truth and proponents of the system of relativism still strengthen due to lack of dispute by mainstream America (including the Church).This is a tragedy
11/24/2005 2:02 PM
Harveyg, it’s good to see you here! I have been enjoying the responses in your blog. I have to say though, if I had a nickel for every time you contradicted your self (I say this a little facetiously), I would buy you a copy of “Relativism Feet Firmly Planted in Mid Air”. Of course, I mean no disrespect; moreover, unless someone is obnoxious, everyone will remain hypnotized—so I appreciate your enthusiasm!
11/30/2005 10:27 AM
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